Hyun Jung Stephany Noh


Hyun Jung Stephany Noh is a Ph.D. candidate in media studies in the Radio-Television-Film Department at the University of Texas at Austin. She received a B.A. in English Language and Literature from Korea University and an M.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication from Yonsei University. Her interest in media studies began with ten years working at various Korean television networks as a programming producer, ratings analyst, acquisitions specialist, and production budget manager. Having witnessed the expansion of the “Korean Wave” first-hand, she intends to investigate the cultural implications of this transnational phenomenon by researching the contexts of television programs, their global audiences, and the industry practices that are informing today’s global media. Her recent research has focused on Netflix’s production and distribution of content in Korea. Much of the material in the Global Internet TV Consortium dossier consists of excerpts from ongoing research that she is preparing for publication.