Patrick Vonderau
Patrick Vonderau is a Professor at the Department for Media Studies (Section for Cinema Studies) at Stockholm University, Sweden. He has also held positions at the University of the Arts in Berlin (2001-2004), and at Ruhr University Bochum (2004-2009). He finished his PhD in 2005 at Humboldt University Berlin. Berlin also is where he is originally from, and where he co-founded what since has become the largest European Network for Cinema and Media Studies, NECS, back in 2006. He is interested in media and cultural history, technology and social theory, and especially in understanding the multi-faceted relations between “media” and “industries” in their broad historical, aesthetical, theoretical, and technological contexts. His research and teaching thus may be situated in what currently is called critical media industry studies, and he is glad to be involved in productive initiatives such as the Media Industries Project, the Media Industries Journal, the Media Industries Scholarly Interest Group, or MINE-Media Industries Network Europe. Recent book publications include Spotify Teardown (forthcoming from MIT Press, 2017), Films that Sell: Moving Pictures and Advertising (BFI 2016), Behind the Screen: Inside European Production Cultures (Palgrave, 2013), Moving Data: The iPhone and the Future of Media (Columbia University Press, 2012), and The YouTube Reader (Wallflower Press, 2009).